= Windows File System Observer = The WindowsFileSystemObserver project is an open-source project providing file system observations (currently only for Windows OS). It observes the following file/folder operations: create, delete, move, and rename files/folders. This project uses [http://www.teamdev.com/jniwrapper/ JNIWrapper], a commercial product. DFKI has got a developer license; the WindowsFileSystemObserver project is shipped with a free runtime license. == Getting the code == Check out the project from this SVN repository: {{{ https://usercontext.opendfki.de/repos/trunk/WindowsFileSystemObserver }}} == Starting == You have 3 alternative ways of starting the file system observer: * Start this batch file: [source:trunk/WindowsFileSystemObserver/Launch_WindowsFileSystemObserver.bat Launch_WindowsFileSystemObserver.bat] * Start this main class as Java application (from inside eclipse): [source:trunk/WindowsFileSystemObserver/src/observer/de/dfki/km/filesysobservation/standalone/StandaloneWindowsFileSystemObservation.java StandaloneWindowsFileSystemObservation] * Use this launch configuration (from inside eclipse): [source:trunk/WindowsFileSystemObserver/WindowsFileSysObservation.launch WindowsFileSysObservation.launch] == Configuring == Wenn first starting the file observer it opens up the config dialog which allows to add the file folders to observe: